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Open Safety rebreather mouthpiece, with breathing hoses, for use with rebreather monitor.


1. Auto-shut-off when removed from mouthpiece retainer

2. Bail out meeting EN250 and NORSOK standards

3. Auto-Loop-Volume device.  When supplied seperately, the cracking pressure is set up for OTS counterlungs.

Has a very low Work of Breathing: just 0.57J/L at 40msw, in air, at a 75 lpm RMV.  Fitted to any rebreather, it will reduce the overall Work of Breathing (WOB), as all contemporary mouthpieces have a higher WOB.

The valve is supplied with two hoses fitted, and DL two button P-Ports that can be fitted to over-the-shoulder counterlungs.

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 21 October, 2008.
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