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Rebreather Monitors
Open Safety's products are developed by Deep Life Ltd one of the most respected design and safety companies in the industry at a technical and safety level. Open Safety as part its licence terms is fully committed to the open publication of safety data by Deep Life Ltd There are no recalls or safety notices at this time on any product sold by Open Safety
iCCR Monitor (PPO2+CO2+ALVBOV PODs) Functional Safety Certified
 Datasheet (pdf)

 A truly unique product, developed out of the Open Revolution ™ rebreather safety initiative led by Deep Life Ltd, a 200 man-year project, and the first to measure CO2 reliably on a diver.  The iCCR Monitor is packed with innovations that mitigate every major risk to the diver:

¨      Automatic switch on with falling PPO2, or pressure of more than 80cm of water

¨      Retained CO2 (End of breath CO2)

¨      PPO2 monitoring

¨      Hypoxia risks (metabolic based, not dependent on O2 sensors)

¨      Flood detection

¨      Respiratory rate

¨      Nitrogen narcosis: fraction of helium, oxygen and carbon dioxide is measured.  Built in helium sensor can be used to analyse make-up-gas.

¨      Decompression

¨      The monitor logs safety data, including all sensors, logging once per second.


IMPORTANT AVAILABILITY NOTICE: New iCCR monitor orders at the above price will be booked but not charged until the item is in stock.  No deposit will be taken.    The iCCR is already fully CE certified to EN14143:2003 and EN 61508:SIL 3 certified.  However the lead time on this product remains open ended.  The iCCR is a revolutionalty new product and we are rolling it out very carefully: this means slowly.   No specific date can be given for any individual iCCR order shipment at this time. 


PPO2 Monitor and BIO350 Dive Computer, Functional Safety Certified
 Datasheet (pdf)

 A functionally safe certified PPO2 monitor and dive computer..

The PPO2 monitor is identical to that on the iCCR product, providing a back display of PPO2.  

In this configuration it is hard wired to a BIO350 Dive computer, offering a choice of 8 decompression algorithms, 4 gas mixtures and the widest range of rebreather PPO2 support.  See Datasheet for further details.

 IMPORTANT AVAILABILITY NOTICE:  Preorders only are now being taken for this product.  No deposit will be taken.   The product has been produced in batches, shipped to trade customers and stock is now being sourced to enable production for retail customers. 

AV1 Trimix Dive Computer, with Backup 3-Cell PPO2 Monitor Options
 Datasheet (pdf)

PPO2 Monitor based on AV1 Dive computer, fully nitrox,  trimix and rebreather enabled.  CE certified, This Dive Computer offers a wealth of features including:

  • Ultra-bright sunlight readable colour display, 2.4" diagonal.
  • Widely used decompression algorithm: Buhlmann ZHL16C90.
  • Gradient Factors selectable with 30/70 as default.
  • Nitrox, Trimix and Heliox enabled.
  • Up to 8 gases for open circuit, plus closed circuit.
  • 100m (330 ft) depth limit and with proven testing to >200m (>660ft)
  • No Lock-Out: handles decompression violations automatically.
  • Simulator available, for MS Windows XP and Windows 7.
  • 100 dive log, with 10s interval.
  • Rechargeable LiPo  provides 35 hours of diving and 3 months of standby.
  • Charged using USB cable.
  • Size curves to fit snugly on the arm: 90mm x 65mm x 28mm on arm, weight 270g.
  • Tough CNC machined case from engineering plastics for long life.
  • Modern piezo-buttons.
  • Available with a host of PPO2 monitoring options when ordering including:
    • None: Standalone dive computer without connection to O2 cells,
    • Fischer connector (7 pin) for direct reading and display of O2 cells,
    • NA90 3 Cell Pod, with or without cells, connected via Fischer connector,
    • Hardwired Pod with HUD.

Narkedat90 PPO2 Monitor POD intended for backup applications, comprising:

1.  PPO2 monitor POD, accepting Narkedat90 temperature compensated O2 cells. Cells can be included with order.

2.  Fischer connected PPO2 Monitor with PPO2 display

3.  Option of a Fischer connected aftermarket HUD displaying PPO2 or a second PPO2 Monitor on POD

The included PPO2 POD fits all recreational (rated for use from surface to 6m to 100m to 350m) rebreathers in the Apocalypse series.

This is not a functionally certified product; it is supplied for backup purposes only or for OEM use.    The product is designed and supplied by a third party.   For main dive use, the user is referred to OSEL's functional certified products.  CE certification is for the dive computer functions only.  Shipment within Europe requires a waiver agreement.  Again, this is a third party product, not developed by OSEL or Deep Life.

AVAILABILITY: In stock and shipping routinely. The AV1 PPO2 Monitor is being successfuly dived with the Apocalypse Type IV CCR; making it the best performing mCCR on the market for a very competitive total price.

HUD (NA90)

Top quality product developed for the Apocalypse rebreathers by NA90.  Images courtesy of NA90.

The HUD plugs straight into the O2 Pod, to provide independent 3-cell PPO2 monitoring, simultaneous to the PPO2 displayed on a wrist monitor using the other output from the pod.  Includes hose clip, attaching to ALVBOV breathing hoses.

Each of the sensors corresponds to an LED on the display.  Each LED can show red, green, or orange (both red and green on.)
A button on the box and it controls the HUD: one push turns it on and one push turns it off.
After turn it on and you get orange flashing for 30 seconds that indicates a low battery.
The number of greens is the number of tenths above 1.0 so three green is 1.3 PPO2.
The number of reds is the number of tenths below 1.0 so two red is a PO2 of 0.8

NA90 O2 Cell Holder

Cell holder for Narkedat90 Oxygen cells, and plugs straight into any of our rebreathers, replacing the inhale hose elbow.  

Options on ordering: Select which dive computer connector is required - the following are supported:

  • AV1 (Fischer 7 pin connector)
  • Divesoft Freedom (wet mate connector)
  • OSTC 3 (proprietary connector)
  • Hardwired: free cable termination

This product takes coax O2 cells supplied by NA90.

Professionally engineered and produced using CNC from engineering plastics.    This is a CE approved accessory that does not impede the Work of Breathing of the Apocalypse family of rebreathers.

Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 products) Result Pages:  1 

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